
About me

My wife Lucie and me at Malbaie, Quebec 2020

Heya. Welcome to my site. My name is Kevin Dineen. I live in Montreal and loving it. I’ve travelled dozens of countries and cities, but Montreal and the Quebec culture is home. Everyone has a home. What’s yours?

I love the internet. Been waiting for it for decades. I was there when we called it “surfing the web” and the “super highway”… and here we are.

I own the domain names of KevinDineen.com and KevinDineen.ca

…among others:

iBuildaHome.com …building a dream home that will benefit all

TheGreatTransition.ca …our need to move to a sustainable world

BrightMatter.org …where science and sci-fi merge, and prosper

DineenEntertainment.com …such fun stuff from the family

LucieCote.com …my wife’s LinkedIn account

DireRisk.com …a future project

No point in providing my career biography as it’s all on LinkedIn:

Not always there, but I do have social media profiles to give you an idea who I am and what I care about:

My motto: Live simple… Think complex.

My motto at work: Plan+Prepare+Practice = Protected!

Quotes that define me:
Life is choice…I choose Life.
We make plans…and God laughs.
We are living in times where Silence…is no longer Sound.
What you see and hear may dictate what you say and think.
…So think what you hear, and say what you see.

DjDINEEN: 80s4ever!

I also love music. I`m more of a “Curator of Cacophony” than a DJ. Just love to play my music…
I pay tribute to the two legendary Montreal 80s niteclubs that embraced the styles of music and dancing that still captivates me today:
– THUNDERDOME (classic alternatif) ☯️
– THE BUSINESS (classic house) 🙂




About the logo

Mon (紋), also monshō (紋章), mondokoro (紋所), and kamon (家紋), are Japanese emblems used to decorate and identify an individual, a family, or (more recently) an institution or business entity. They are royalty-free.

I chose this emblem as it shows circular movement. Similar to how we as humans adapt from one transition to the next.

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